- Social Life-

Regali have the instinct to belong to large groups, but are not necessarily governed by it. While they certainly enjoy socialization with others, they feel no need to constantly be surrounded by their own kind. Some are more sociable than others, but most Regali are just as satisfied to be in solitude or with only their bondmate as they are to be surrounded by other Regali. In territories with larger numbers, communities are formed by the local Regali. Solitary Regali are not exempt from these communities, and may "belong" to one while still maintaining their solitary tendencies.

- Temperament -

Each Regali has its own unique personality and temperament that marks it as an individual. These combinations are limitless, though overly-aggressive or malicious Regali are fewer in numbers. The Regali are certainly capable of all ranges of emotion, but it is generally not in their nature to be cruel. Certain exceptions include corrupted bondmates (though the Regali is usually successful at preventing this to an extent) or Unbondeds that could be classified as "cold-hearted."

- Communication -

While Regali are capable of vocal noises such as whickers, snorts, whistles, screams, and even sounds resembling a form of song, these are usually only efficient to express emotion or communicate with other Regali. A Regali's horn is capable of producing a wide range of noises, many of them musical in sound. These can be used to express emotion (a sigh; a snort; an outcry of joy, etc) as well or communicate in the natural "horn" language of Regali. Some of these noises have even been translated into Alyrran "english". For instance, the sound produced when a Regali commonly greets another translates roughly into the word "Mar'valla."

All intellectual communication between Regali and other sentient species takes place telepathically. They may project their mental voice to any individual if they so desire, but any unbonded recipient may only respond if they are also capable of telepathy.

The feather crest on a Regali's neck is also a form of basic emotional communication, similar to a bird's. When the feathers are raised, the Regali may be stimulated with excitement, aggression, curiosity, etc. If the feathers are relaxed, the Regali may be feeling neutral, calm, content, etc. A completely flattened feather crest suggests fear, irritation, or sadness.

All content, concepts, web design, & artwork © B. Veenstra 2006, 2007+. Do not alter/copy/redistribute.
The World of Alyrr and Regali are © B. Veenstra and may not be used/altered elsewhere. All rights reserved.